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Rowing across the Atlantic

Expedition: Row across the Atlantic 
Crew: The Swedish adventurers Sören Kjellqvist and Måns Kämpe
Purpose: Bring awareness to the endangered Baltic whale “the harbour porpoise”
Where: Portugal to Caribbean across the Atlantic
Duration: 3 months (Start: Nov/Dec 2021)
Average distance: 100km/day
Currently: Out at the Baltic Sea during their test row from Torö to Visby, Gotland during Almedalsveckan (political meeting)


Imagine rowing in shift for 2 hours; row- eat- sleep- repeat during 3 months.


That is exactly what the Swedish adventurers Sören Kjellqvist and Måns Kämpe will do. 

Destination of the journey

During winter of 2021-2022, Måns Kämpe and Sören Kjellkvist will row across the Atlantic in hope to bring awareness to the endangered Baltic whale “the harbour porpoise”. Måns and Sören will start in Portugal and finish in the Caribbean, a journey of approximately 6000 kilometers which they expect to take roughly 3 months. Daily reports will be provided during their journey with facts and figures of the harbour porpoise. As of now, there are only about 500 harbour porpoise left in the Baltic Sea and that is surely a fact in itself that requires some more attention.

Rowing across the Atlantic

SUBTECH is proud to support this initiative and we firmly believe that missions like these are critical as urgent actions are needed in order to prevent extinction and save the Baltic harbour porpoise. At the same time, Måns and Sören are about to conduct a quite extreme and dangerous adventure to say the least – two guys alone in a small boat with nothing more than their necessities and a few paddles to take them over the Atlantic. A waterproof bag that has the potential to keep themselves and the boat afloat if worst case scenario would occur is obviously a great asset.

The Baltic harbour porpoise

As preparation, Måns and Sören will row from Stockholm to Visby during the Almedalen Week to raise awareness about the Baltic harbour porpoise. The Almedalen Week is an annual event with several political activities taking place on the Swedish island Gotland. Måns and Sören expect to arrive on Gotland on the 5th of July 2021, and in collaboration with Coalition Clean Baltic – they hope to bring awareness and ultimately more support to their mission.


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